Core Objectives

Self Learning Skills

We believe that human beings are natural learners and only self learners can survive in a VUCA world.Hence we have set an objective of achieving self learning skill by age 10.

Self-learning skills are the ability to acquire knowledge and skills on your own without the need for formal instruction or guidance from others. These skills are essential in today's fast-paced world where new technologies and industries are emerging constantly. By developing self-learning skills, individuals can take charge of their own professional development, stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, and adapt to changing market demands. Self-learning skills include the ability to research, analyze, and synthesize information, as well as the ability to learn from experience and apply that knowledge to new situations. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can develop strong self-learning skills and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

Financial Independence

No matter, whatever degree or certificate we achieve in our life ,the world acknowledge it with the financial success we acquire with the same in real life.Hence we have set an objective of achieving financial independence by age 15.

Financial independence is the ability to manage your own finances without relying on others for financial support. It is an essential aspect of personal development and has numerous benefits. Financial independence provides individuals with the freedom to make their own financial decisions, pursue their goals and dreams, and take control of their own lives. It can also lead to greater peace of mind, as individuals can save for emergencies and unexpected expenses. Moreover, financial independence can also reduce stress and anxiety related to financial uncertainty. By achieving financial independence, individuals can gain a sense of confidence and control over their lives, which can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. Ultimately, financial independence is an important aspect of personal empowerment and a key to achieving a fulfilling and rewarding life.

Design Your Own Education

By designing one's own education, you can create a personalized path to success and fulfillment that reflects your unique skills, passions, and ambitions.Hence we have set an objective of achieving this skill by age 17.

Designing one's own education is important because it allows individuals to personalize their learning experience based on their unique interests, goals, and learning style. In traditional education systems, the curriculum is often predetermined and standardized, which may not align with an individual's specific needs and interests. By taking control of their education, individuals can select courses, activities, and resources that best fit their learning style and goals. This can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling educational experience. Additionally, designing one's own education can help individuals develop important skills such as self-direction, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which are valuable in both personal and professional settings. Ultimately, designing one's own education can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and success in life.